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The Athena Bridal Bouquet is a gorgeous single-colour rose bouquet complemented by accent flowers and delicate foliage. Pretty and chic!
Designed in Royal Leamington Spa by 3-times Chelsea gold medal winner Sarah Horne.
Athena is available in shades of pink, shades of white and shades of lilac. However, if you have another colour in mind (and/or specific flowers), please call 01926424826 to discuss your requirements with one of our wedding designers.
We always work with choice seasonal blooms, meaning that although the focal flowers of this bouquet will remain the same, the complimentary flowers and foliage may differ from the picture. The picture shows the ‘Glorious’ Athena bouquet, priced at £100.00.
Wedding flowers ordered online are available for click and collect or local delivery. If you would like your flowers delivered, please contact us in advance and we will try our best to accommodate your requirements. We do not offer a courier service for wedding flowers.
Please order your flowers with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice before your special day.
We recommend that you store your flowers in a cool, dark place prior to your wedding day, with the stems in a small amount of water, in order to preserve the life of the flowers. Half an hour before your wedding, remove from the water, wipe the bottoms and lay back in the box